Trying out the Chronodex: please, no planner-pressure!

Planner anxiety, planner stress, planner pressure… We all hate it!

We watch too many YouTube-videos and they make us want to go all perfect. The prettiest stickers, the loveliest washi and Frixions only – god forbid we would scratch something out!

I am a perfect example of Planner Peer Pressure, and until recently I was a Frixion-only girl that would go back and fill in appointments and tasks for days, or sometimes weeks passed, because I couldn’t bear the sight of empty pages. They made me feel… Boring, or inadequate, or… I don’t know.

Juggling with set-ups and inserts and trying to find ‘my’ system, I recently (aka in April or something) managed to set my A5 up in the ‘perfect’ way for me. I haven’t changed anything since, and that is a first for me.

But carrying that heavy planner around in my handbag was just silly, so after months of screaming that personal size was not for me, I caved and went ‘back’ to personal. I double now: personal in my handbag, A5 at home and at work on my desk.

OK, so that was that. Personal in the handbag it is. But wait – what inserts will I use? Agh. On came the planner pressure again.

I fiddled around with printables to see what worked, and tried three or four calendars at once to see what I used and what remained untouched.

So far, I found out:

  • I need a Mo2P for a general overview.
  • I need a Wo2P (cotton cream with equal weekend spacing, thank you Karen!) for weekly appointment planning
  • I need some form of daily notes & tracking but the Wo2P is too small to include that as well.

Kim was so kind to send me a Do2P from Day Runner to try out. I LOVE the space it gives me, but I can’t work with the pre-printed hours: my day ends at about 11PM and the pages only go until 5PM. I’ve been using the notes page for the extra hours, but most of the times, my evenings are more filled up than the day is. So I need a fix for that.

Also, I only use the Do2P during the week. It does not get used on the weekends. Not at all. There, my Wo2P is enough. If there are free days during the week, I’m pretty sure I won’t be using them either.

Thèn… Jhosie shared the Patrick Ng Chronodex-templates on her blog and, well, I fell in love with them. I’m a chaotic, visual person and I immediately saw what benefits it could have for me. So I printed out Jhosie’s papers and the Patrick Ng ones as well, to see which ones I like. I will start using them over the weekend.

I will use them as Do2P: Chronodex on the left, blank page on the right, for scribbles, to-do lists, post-its, … By using blank templates (no dates mentioned), I can just use one when I feel the need to. Every workday? Only Tuesdays and Fridays? Who cares. No white pages, no planner-pressure, just a clear, visual solution when I feel I need extra room for planning and notes.

Does anyone else use this flexible system of just taking a planner page when you need one, rather than using one every day by default?

PS: No more Frixions, either. Coleto FTW!


Pocket size Gillio Mia Cara in Gold

So, it was about time I adopted another Gillio baby, don’t you think?

The little story behind my gorgeous Mia Cara in Pocket size, for those who missed it:

I had a Pocket Amica in Croco Brown, limited edition shiny croco. I’d been using it as a wallet and that went super. But still, seeing all of the binders with golden rings… It gave me the ‘wanties’. So, I asked Tom at Gillio to put in gold rings. When I went to him to do that, we discovered that it had a different ring mechanism in it! It was a discontinued, limited edition binder from a couple of years ago. So we couldn’t put the rings back in… Just my luck!

Tom immediately took it to their workshop in Brussels to have it repaired, but apparently it couldn’t be done without doing a full “binder-opsy” on the poor thing and slicing it open to replace the inside. So I asked him to switch & upgrade to a Mia Cara!

I will show some set-up pictures later on… Love how it is already getting its patina (see picture of the back: the strap is lighter than the rest) – I chose the one that was in the window display. I fell in love with it!

Some pictures for you to drool over!

(Sorry for the crappy layout & background – I was being a lazy ass lying on my bed when I unboxed… :-D)

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I did a little pen test for you: from left to right: 4 colour BIC pen, 4 barrel Coleto pen, and even a 5 barrel Coleto pen without any trouble!


/enabling alert/

Stop drooling people! Order NOW before they are sold out!

/end of enabling/

(I don’t have to write the disclaimer thingie that I am not on the Gillio payroll and they are not sending me checks to say this and blablablablabla… You all know me by now, right? ;-p)

Gillio Giveaway: contestants!

Wow, wow. Just… wow.

I did a video on YT announcing the giveaway of my Medium Compagna in Croco Grey, as you might have seen, and yesterday the final contestants sent me the links to their videos. The contest is now officially CLOSED!

You guys have been SO creative and inspiring, thank you for all of the effort put into this contest. I loved watching all of the videos and hearing all your creative ideas on the “ideal” GIllio planner.

I will announce the winner within the week, but I need to talk to the peeps at Gillio and see what they thought, plus some other ‘independant’ judges (my best friends!). But here are all the responses I received, for you to sit back and enjoy, and be inspired.

Please let me know if I forgot anyone, there were some problems with some of the video’s apparently…

Competing to win the Medium Compagna:







Charlotte P:






Good luck guys!

Jonesing for the Deco

I’m sure all of you FF lovers out there will understand me. Sometimes, out of nowhere, a sudden urge emerges. A want, a need, a craving, a desire, whatever you want to call it: you suddenly feel that you *must* have something. In our cases, mostly a specific type of planner, whether it be a size you don’t have yet, a colour you fell in love with (Aqua Malden anyone?), or just some crazy Belgian chick showing you Gillio goodies online (sorry!). But that feeling emerges out of nowhere and takes over your mind completely.

When that happens to me, I can usually satisfy the sensation by overgoogling the specific item, watching YouTube videos, reading online reviews and then going to bed. The next days are then crucial in the process: were my itches scratched with all of the googling and YouTubing, or has that only ignited a bigger flame?

In the first case, I’m happy I didn’t act in the moment and have not ordered it right away. Because in this ‘I WANT’ buzz, you are sure to get buyer’s remorse if you don’t think it through. Money does not grow on trees so if you are watching your budget like me, you don’t want to spend the money you saved for Happy Shopping on something you’ll regret buying later.

But in the second case, after hours of googling, pinteresting, instagramming and iWanting, you decide to get it. New, second-hand, swap, whatever. I was very lucky yesterday that after jonesing the Personal Deco for several months (interrupted by the whole Gillio craze) I decided yesterday that I wanted to get it after all. Not as a planner, because personal size does NOT work for me, but as a journal. My gorgeous A5 green Gillio Amica is superstuffed with life and work, but has no room left for journaling, storing keepsakes, drawing and collecting memories. And in my mind, a journal has a very big lock/clasp 😉

So after googling and annoying you guys with my ranting that I wanted, no NEEDED to find a Personal Deco (in whatever colour but preferable Ivory), the lovely Nati Zou messaged me that she would sell me hers. It should be here beginning of next week, so my vacation can start with some lovely crafty journaling!

And if you don’t know what all the fuss is about, check out these beautiful pictures from Laurie!

DIY A4 organiser

A while back, I was looking for an A4 organiser. The Filofaxes available were all dull in colour, or just too expensive. Plus: I didn’t know if the big size would work for me. So spening over €200 on a ‘try’ was too much for me. I decided to make one myself with some left-over fabric, an A4 4-ring-folder and my mom to show me how to operate her sewing machine 😉

It’s not perfect, the stitching needs work and after using it for some time I can think of other pockets and functions it would need if I ever made another one. But it works!

I use it for the FM Academy that I teach: it holds all of my course materials, the course schedule, adresses of all of the venues my trainings take place and also the attendee lists. I only carry it when I’m on the road for trainings, and the participants are always very curious to see what that folder is all about 🙂

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The two-calendar setup!

Hi guys!

For all of you that saw my last video about the Gillio and the Filofax, thanks for all of the lovely responses! I received some questions about my two-calendar Gillio setup so here are two pictures to clarify!

First of all, I use a week per page as a general overview. I colour-code everything: pink for personal (did I mention I am a pink freak?), purple for my home based business and extra courses, blue for work, green for my son.


On this overview I just note, well, where I am and any major appointments I have. Just to have two weeks at a glance, and since I have a co-parenting agreement with my ex, it’s easy to see when my son is with me or not, etcetera.

Then, I use a day per page for an overview of my day. I try to fill it out the night before. I divide the pages in half so I put appointments on the left and to do’s and reminders on the right.


I’ve used an A5 for years and I think this is the only way to make the smaller size work for me!

I have a year fold-out page in my A5 and I’m tempted to put one in my personal as well… But I haven’t so far 😉

xoxo M.